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Biomass Myths - Reurasia

Five Ongoing Biomass Myths You Should Know | Reurasia

Biomass has a crucial role in meeting future energy needs. Forest biomass is a fuel derived from the burning or heating of growing things, like trees and other plants. Accordingly, biomass energy has long enjoyed a reputation as a clean, green, and renewable alternative to fossil fuels.

That green reputation, however, is tarnishing because of the prevailing myths often misunderstood by many and is often ignored in discussions of renewable energy. Here at Reurasia, we know that what is most important is for our clients to learn as much as possible about biomass too. Therefore, we have decided to share these exciting facts and dispel the misconceptions about biomass, which you may find interesting.

MYTH: Biomass promotes deforestation.

According to critics, biomass is produced by cutting down trees. Yes, it’s true, but the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC ( Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification) says that providers must source their wood from sustainable one. Wood pellets are a highly consistent biomass fuel allowing for easy handling and storage, as well as efficient energy conversion.

MYTH: Biomass is new.

Since the earliest record in history, biomass energy already existed. Are you that surprised? Humans already used biomass as a source of energy since man first discovered fire. To further explain, biomass is derived from is burning of any biofuel, such as wood or plant to produce heat. This renewable energy has been refined in recent history and was developed to make it more efficient, more stable, and carbon-neutral than before. To give you some facts; the United States used biomass as a lamp fuel way back in the 1800s.

MYTH: It is not renewable and sustainable.

The United States Forest Service (USFS) says that wood is very abundant and sustainable which significantly contributes to creating a more stable energy future, improving environmental stability, and increasing opportunities. Apart from that, biomass power is renewable as it has inherent energy from the sun and can regrow in a short period. Accordingly, biomass doesn’t only contribute to the environment, but it creates jobs that support the local economies. Furthermore, it provides new markets for farmers and forest owners.

MYTH: Burning wood releases carbon into the atmosphere.

Scientists say that all organic matter is being decomposed or burnt and releases carbon into the atmosphere. Fossil fuels, can’t counterbalance the carbon they release. However, biomass energy solutions only release carbon that was absorbed through the process called- photosynthesis, wherein there’s the sequestration of carbon as a new biomass crop is grown. In simpler words, biomass is a carbon-neutral energy source, and this is the big difference between biomass and fossil fuel.

MYTH: More polluting than coal.

According to Biomass Magazine, there was a published newspaper with the headline “Biomass worse than coal”. But, when experts analyze it in full detail, they found that biomass is far way greater than coal. Biomass energy does not produce sulfur emissions and has much less nitrogen compared to coal. Ultimately, this only means that this energy reduces acid rain, and other pollutants in the air.

Want to find out more?

Building a better future with renewable energy may not be that easy. Using science-based information offered by Reurasia can be helpful in an essential building in our future. We hope the information stated above will give you a better understanding of what biomass is and its potential applications.

For more information, please get in touch with us today.

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Maxime Droit CEO at REURASIA Energy Solutions Biomasss Construction & Commissioning Expert

is dedicating its time to serve the local community's best interest by developing and supporting sustainable renewable energy projects in the Philippines.
